My Castle is Airy
Those demons they fear me
The truth must be scary
The Most High is near me
My prayers he hears me
I repel knots with my long locks
I employ heights from the very top
I drink from the fountain on top of the mountain
Spiritually ☀️
In reality
Sudden moves can conclude a meeting with a scorpion crew
So I invite sight and relaxation tonight
I try to do everything right
When I fail I praise the one with all the might 🙏🏾
I currently feel a shift
Prosperity is in love with me
Here comes her lips
Such a tranquil kiss
Lifting my Soul to supreme satisfying bliss
Ego says all rhymes were on point
No miss! ☺️
Do you feel that shift?
Are you with 0% limit?
Did an Angel activate your spinal discs!?
My Castle is Airy
Never the contrary
I love to commune with benevolent fairies
Oral tradition written in the 12 strands within me
13 to activate a level rhythmically
Do ya get me?
We were meant to live for centuries
Thoughts the boss in this mental toss
Holy is the geometrics of the cross
Not religious but a language lost
Etymological moss
Grown on the stem to the North
I will find my way home...
For once I remember
I am no longer lost.
~Feq'ad 🧬